Stop 5 - The clock

This special clock beats like a heart inside the convent and determines the rhythm of life. It is mechanical and is therefore wound by hand every day by a sister. The clock is present throughout the convent because it fulfils several functions at once. On the one hand, it lets us know the exact time, and on the other, it chimes every 15 minutes.

But why so often? Isn't once every hour enough?

No, because it reminds us of a tradition of the founder of the order, Arnold Janssen, which is still popular today.

The Quarter Hour Prayer.

Arnold Janssen and our co-foundresses, Mother Maria and Mother Josepha, attached great importance to a constant exchange with GOD. With the help of the "Quarter Hour Prayer", this was to be easily integrated into daily life.

Every 15 minutes, when the clock sounded, the sisters paused in their work on the convent grounds and said the short prayer together. It was to remind them of GOD's presence in their lives and actions, and that GOD is always at their side.

What's behind it all?

The Quarter Hour Prayer


God, eternal truth.
We believe in you.

God, our strength and salvation.
We hope in you.

God, infinite goodness.
We love you with all our heart.

You have sent the word as saviour of the world.
Make us all one in him

Fill us with the spirit of your son.
That we may glorify your name.


New version

YOU! You are real, genuine and true.
that is why we believe

YOU! You give us support, strength and courage.
that is why we hope

YOU! You are infinite, incomprehensible and good.
that is why we love

YOU! You came to us and gave everything for us,
therefore we want to follow you

Come to us as a force that wakes us up,
so that we never forget you



Pause. That means stopping and waiting. What is the point of that? After all, life doesn't wait and goes on steadily. Can we even keep up after pausing? Can we catch up again?

For the sisters, however, pausing is not lost time, but an existential part of their lives. In this interruption of the work, the mundane, the monotonous, but also the joyful, they renew their focus on GOD in their lives and consciously share these moments with him. If we are constantly just trying to keep up with all the trends, social media feeds and news, we lose sight of ourselves, of the little moments, of GOD's signs and presence.

It helps when a clock shakes us up - stops our whirlwind of thoughts - and reminds us to pause for a moment. For it is precisely then that we have the chance to become clearer and more aware. Maybe the fog lifts, the pressure eases a little and we get a different perspective on things. We may notice alternatives that we would otherwise have passed by in a hurry, discover a few flowers along the way or simply take a break, breathe deeply and gather strength for the way ahead.

Impulse for you

You can't see all the way to the bottom in the churned-up water. It's murky, a lot of things swirl around in it so that no light gets through. It is the same with our thoughts. When too much is swirling around, we lose our perspective. In silence - in pausing - we have the chance to sort them out and let light in.

When do I have time to stop and look at myself?

Is there something I need more clarity about?